Work in Progress - Spring 2024...

This project, The Collapse of the Post-National Dream depicts the rise of Ultra-nationalism in Yuguslavia as a cautionary tale to the dangers of polarisation in multicultural societies. 

The works, a series of mezzo-relief pannels are being developed through collage of historical images and footage taken in Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia during the circa 1992-6.  The reliefs feature pivotal moments of governement and paramilitary action, assembly and intervention. As well as the principle actors Tito,  Milošević, Marković, Solevic and Vllasi. 

The works are inspired by the retelling of the Old Testiment as dipicted in the Baptistery of St John Firenze IT or in the Duomo di Milano IT. Once completed The Collapse of the Post-National Dream reliefs are intended to be exhibited as an installation built tradional Bosnian doors frames. 

The political context of this project is to draw parallels between  the tradgic suffering of peoples based on the weponisation of poverty, media,cultural differences - taking place in transitional (or) power vacuums.

Supportive reading: Pankaj Mishra, The Age of Anger; Francis Fukuyama , The Death of History;  Francois Furet, Citizens, a Chronical of the French Revolution;  Silber and Little, Yugoslavia: Death of a Nation.

photos by Sean Patrick Campbell .